St. Arnold Janssen, SVD
St. Joseph Freinademetz, SVD
Bl. Maria Helena Stollenwerk, SSpS-SSpSAP
Bl. Josepha
Hendrina Stenmanns, SSpS
See Also:
SVD History & Tradition
Saint Arnold Janssen, SVD
Arnold Janssen was born on November 5, 1837 in Goch, a small city in
lower Rhineland (Germany). The second of ten children, his parents
instilled in him a deep devotion to religion. He was ordained a priest on
August 15, 1861 for the diocese of Muenster and was assigned to teach
natural sciences and mathematics in a secondary school in Bocholt. There
he was known for being a strict but just teacher. Due to his profound
devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, he was named Diocesan Director for
the Apostleship of Prayer. This apostolate encouraged Arnold to open
himself to Christians of other denominations.
Little by little he became more aware of the spiritual needs of people
beyond the limits of his own diocese, developing a deep concern for the
universal mission of the church. He decided to dedicate his life to
awaking in the German church its missionary responsibility. With this in
mind, in 1873 he resigned from his teaching post and soon after founded
The Little Messenger of the Sacred Heart. This popular monthly magazine
presented news of missionary activities and it encouraged German-speaking
Catholics to do more to help the missions.
These were difficult times for the Catholic Church in Germany. Bismark
unleashed the “Kulturkampf» with a series of anti-Catholic laws, which led
to the expulsion of priests and religious and to the imprisonment of many
bishops. In this chaotic situation Arnold Janssen proposed that some of
the expelled priests could go to the foreign missions or at least help in
the preparation of missionaries. Slowly but surely, and with a little
prodding from the Apostolic Vicar of Hong Kong, Arnold discovered that God
was calling him to undertake this difficult task. Many people said that he
was not the right man for the job, or that the times were not right for
such a project. Arnold's answer was, “The Lord challenges our faith to do
something new, precisely when so many things are collapsing in the
With the support of a number of bishops, Arnold inaugurated the mission
house on September 8, 1875 in Steyl, Holland, and thus began the Divine
Word Missionaries. Already on March 2, 1879 the first two missionaries set
out for China. One of these was Joseph Freinademetz.
Aware of the importance of publications for attracting vocations and
funding, Arnold started a printing press just four months after the
inauguration of the house. Thousands of generous lay persons contributed
their time and effort to mission animation in German-speaking countries by
helping to distribute the magazines from Steyl. From the beginning the new
congregation developed as a community of both priests and Brothers.
The volunteers at the mission house included women as well as men. From
practically the very beginning, a group of women, including
Blessed Maria
Helena Stollenwerk, served the community. But their wish was to serve the
mission as Religious Sisters. The faithful, selfless service they freely
offered, and a recognition of the important role women could play in
missionary outreach, urged Arnold to found the mission congregation of the
“Servants of the Holy Spirit,” SSpS, on December 8, 1889. The first
Sisters left for Argentina in 1895.
In 1896 Fr. Arnold selected some of the Sisters to form a cloistered
branch, to be known as “Servants of the Holy Spirit of Perpetual
Adoration”, SSpSAP. Their service to mission would be to maintain an
uninterrupted adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, praying day and night
for the church and especially for the other two active missionary
Arnold died on January 15, 1909. His life was filled with a constant search for God's will, a great confidence in divine providence, and hard work. That his work has been blessed is evident in the subsequent growth of the communities he founded: more than 6,000 Divine Word Missionaries are active in 63 countries, more than 3,800 missionary Servants of the Holy Spirit, and more than 400 Servants of the Holy Spirit of Perpetual Adoration.
Vatican's News Services
Saint Joseph Freinademetz, SVD
Joseph Freinademetz was born on April 15, 1852, in Oies, a small hamlet
of five houses situated in the Dolomite Alps of northern Italy. The
region, known as South Tyrol, was then part of the Austro-Hungarian
empire. He was baptised on the day he was born, and he inherited from his
family a simple but tenacious faith.
While Joseph was studying theology in the diocesan seminary of
Bressanone (Brixen), he began to think seriously of the foreign missions
as a way of life. He was ordained a priest on July 25, 1875, and assigned
to the community of Saint Martin very near his own home, where he soon won
the hearts of the people. However, the call to missionary service did not
go away. Just two years after ordination he contacted Fr. Arnold Janssen,
the founder of a mission house which quickly developed into the Society of
the Divine Word.
With his bishop's permission, Joseph entered the mission house in Steyl,
Netherlands, in August 1878. On March 2, 1879, he received his mission
cross and departed for China with Fr. John Baptist Anzer, another Divine
Word Missionary. Five weeks later they arrived in Hong Kong, where they
remained for two years, preparing themselves for the next step. In 1881
they travelled to their new mission in South Shantung, a province with 12
million inhabitants and only 158 Christians.
Those were hard years, marked by long, arduous journeys, assaults by
bandits, and the difficult work of forming the first Christian
communities. As soon as a community was just barely developed an
instruction from the Bishop would arrive, telling him to leave everything
and start anew.
Soon Joseph came to appreciate the importance of a committed laity,
especially catechists, for first evangelisation. He dedicated much energy
to their formation and prepared a catechetical manual in Chinese. At the
same time, together with Anzer (who had become bishop) he put great effort
into the preparation, spiritual formation and ongoing education of Chinese
priests and other missionaries. His whole life was marked by an effort to
become a Chinese among the Chinese, so much so that he wrote to his
family: “I love China and the Chinese. I want to die among them and be
laid to rest among them.”
In 1898, Freinademetz was sick with laryngitis and had the beginnings
of tuberculosis as a result of his heavy workload and many other
hardships. So at the insistence of the bishop and the other priests he was
sent for a rest to Japan, with the hope that he could regain his health.
He returned to China somewhat recuperated, but not fully cured.
When the bishop had to travel outside of China in 1907, Freinademetz
took on the added burden of the administration of the diocese. During this
time there was a severe outbreak of typhus. Joseph, like a good shepherd,
offered untiring assistance and visited many communities until he himself
became infected. He returned to Taikia, the seat of the diocese, where he
died on January 28, 1908. He was buried at the twelfth station on the Way
of the Cross, and his grave soon became a pilgrimage site for Christians.
Freinademetz learned how to discover the greatness and beauty of
Chinese culture and to love deeply the people to whom he had been sent. He
dedicated his life to proclaiming the gospel message of God's love for all
peoples, and to embodying this love in the formation of Chinese Christian
communities. He animated these communities to open themselves in
solidarity with the surrounding inhabitants. And he encouraged many of the
Chinese Christians to be missionaries to their own people as catechists,
religious, nuns and priests. His life was an expression of his motto: “The
language that all people understand is that of love.”
Vatican's News Services
Blessed Maria Virgo, SSpS, SSpSAP
(Helena Stollenwerk)
Blessed Maria Virgo (Helena Stollenwerk) was born in Rollesbroich,
Germany on Nov. 28, 1852. Already while still at the little village
elementary school she began enthusiastically reading the annuals of the
Holy Childhood Association, now the Papal Work for Children, in her free
time. They roused her determination to help the children of China. When at
the age of twenty she tried to follow her calling, she found no convent in
Germany that sent missionary sisters to China and for many years she
searched in vain for the address of such a congregation.
During a visit to Steyl she learned that Arnold Janssen saw the need to
found a congregation of missionary sisters, although he could not promise
that he would do so in the near future. He offered her employment as a
maid in the Mission House kitchen. Helena was 30 years old when she
accepted his offer. She hoped in that way to reach her goal.
Two years later, in 1884, she was joined by Hendrina Stenmanns from
Issum in the German Lower Rhineland. For the first several years the two
women worked in kitchen and laundry and lived in a small, very simple
house. Years later, when a neighbouring convent became vacant, they moved
there. On December 8, 1889 Helena, now Mother Maria and superior general,
co-founded with Blessed Arnold, the Missionary Sisters. From then on the
development of the Congregation of the "Servants of the Holy Spirit", as
they are officially called, really took off. The rapidly growing community
sent out the first sisters to Argentina in 1895; soon followed by a group
sent to Togo. After only seven years the Congregation numbered 100
Arnold Janssen regarded prayer as an absolute necessity to support
mission work. He had long been thinking of a third, contemplative branch
for his foundations. So on 8 December 1896 he clothed the first Adoration
Sisters in their pink religious habit. In 1898 Mother Maria transferred to
the cloistered Sisters becoming a novice with the name Sister Maria Virgo.
She would really have preferred to remain with the Missionary Sisters but
responded generously to Arnold Janssen's wish when he asked her to take
the step. Helena's dream, to go out to the great land of China, was never
fulfilled. On February 3, 1900 Helen was stricken by a serious illness,
she was admitted to religious profession as a Holy Spirit Adoration Sister
on her deathbed. On May 7, 1995, she was beatified by Pope John Paul II.
Blessed Maria Virgo's Motto:
"To God the honor, to my neighbor the benefit, and to myself the
"If you find things difficult at any time in the future, be comforted
by the thought that, like Moses in the Old Testament, there is a Sister
before the tabernacle raising her heart and hands to Heaven for you."
Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters
Blessed Josepha Hendrina Stenmanns, SSpS
Our mission is to open every heart to love
Stenmanns was born on May 28, 1852, in Issum, German Lower Rhineland,
the eldest of seven children. Already as a child, she showed great
concern for the poor and suffering whom she visited with her mother. She
also cared responsibly for her younger brothers and sisters. After
leaving school, she contributed to the family income through her work as
a silk weaver. The characteristics for which she was noted, a motherly
and cheerful nature, kindness and a healing compassion, began to show in
the young Hendrina. She always managed to find the sick and needy, and
people turned to her for help and advice in all their problems. Without
her being aware of it, God was developing the character and talents she
would need for her future tasks.
When she was 19, she joined the Franciscan Third Order. That fertile
soil nourished in her a spirit of great simplicity both in her prayer
life and her dealings with others, as well as trust in God and the
readiness to give herself entirely. Her wish to consecrate herself to
God grew more as she absorbed the spirit of St. Francis, but the
Kulturkampf in Germany made religious life impossible. When her mother
was dying, Hendrina promised to care for her younger brothers and
sisters. It began to look as though she would have to give up the idea
of religious life.
Some years later, through an apprentice of her father, she found her
way to Steyl and asked Arnold Janssen to accept her into the Mission
House as a kitchen maid. Her real intention, however, was to support the
mission cause by her work in the kitchen. When she arrived in Steyl, she
was almost 32 years old, matured by the history of her family and her
neighborhood. Her letter to Arnold Janssen is an expression of her
spirituality and her deep wish to dedicate herself totally to missionary
work. She did not have great plans but simply carried out what she
recognized as God’s will for her at each moment.
Through her decision to live in the Mission House as a kitchen maid,
she stepped down, like her companion Helena, to the lowest rung of the
social ladder. A life of hard work and renunciation began that was to
last five years as she waited for the women’s foundation. On December 8,
1889, she and a few other women became postulants. The foundation of the
congregation had been laid. The novitiate followed and then in March
1894 the first vows. Hendrina was given the name Josepha.
As Sr. Josepha she was responsible for the management of the
practical side of things in the house. Later on she became directress of
postulants. She showed great understanding of human nature and was able
to introduce the young women into religious life with wisdom and
empathy. The convent was opened for retreats for women, a significant
apostolate that involved extra work for the sisters. Soon language
studies and a teacher’s training course were established.
Sr. Josepha was known above all for her love of prayer; she
progressed more and more to interior quiet and to true contemplation in
the midst of her manifold tasks. The rosary, short prayers, especially
“Come, Holy Spirit” became her “mantra”, leading her inward to the
presence of God in the tabernacle of her heart.
When Sr. Maria transferred to the adoration sisters, Sr. Josepha
became leader of the missionary sisters’ community. In spite of the
burden of work and the demands made by a large, young community, she did
not lose herself in pure activity. In the depth of her heart she
remained in union with God and maintained her inner peace. The final
months of Sr. Josepha’s life were marked by serious and painful illness.
On her deathbed, suffering from asthma, she bequeathed her spiritual
testament to the sisters: The very breath of a Servant of the Holy
Spirit ought to be: “Come, Holy Spirit”.
Mission Congregation Servants
of the Holy Spirit